Sunday, June 13, 2021

Elon Musk and neurolink

 been thinking about Elon Musk and his motives for wanting to go to Mars and create a colony in Texas of people wanting to go to Mars as well as his #neurolink and thought about this tweet he wrote

I think Elon's motives for creating the neurolink aren't to help paralyzed people and people that have seizures......though that will definitely get more financial backing for science projects than what I think he wants to use neurolink for....

I think #ElonMusk might be using the neurolink as a way to upload our consciousness or rather those that want to go to Mars...his colony..... to exist beyond the use of their bodies....maybe he realizes the conditions on Mars aren't favorable and a host body with a person's consciousness to exist beyond the length of life....or beyond the length of life of planet earth might be his motives for this....

I don't trust a man that is motivated by is all he cares about. I am not a liberal or a conservative...I'm a Libertarian....I vote based on what is morally right and not by someone's boasting and talking and manipulative tactics or charm. Anyway, that said....I find it comical that conservatives think that Elon wants to buy Twitter as this Republican Jesus that is going to save them and bring Trump and Alex Jones and the crazy over the top people back and do all this stuff. Dude, Elon isn't going to do shit but make money off that stupid social media platform.....Elon only cares about money....nothing else....well I take that and his cock....he has like 7 children that he doesn't care about and keeps getting women pregnant.....pretty gross when you think about that. 

I don't know how Elon gets credited for inventing....he does not invent anything. He is a business man...he finds people that are super intelligent, creative and those people invent things and then he profits off of it, like Tesla, Space X, the Neurolink, etc. 

He goes on Twitter to manipulate crypto for one in particular: Dodge Coins.....he will talk about it a lot to get people that are dumb followers to buy it....and then he dips....and then to manipulate the stocks he does his same pattern again with tweeting about Dodge Coins and will relate it to Tesla or other things...He posts memes to make people think he's a regular guy that is funny and he'll at times respond to comments to appear that he's friendly and talks to his fans.....that dude does NOT care about his is a manipulative greedy sack of shit. no one seems to see through him except for me for some reason and people keep telling me that I'm being 

Anyway, that man and his neurolink are not coming anywhere near my brain. I don't need to have a link in my brain to hear music....I can listen to my Spotify or YouTube on my cell or laptop just fine...thank you very much! 

I think he is facing his mortality and neurolink is just a way for him to cheat death. -It seems so much like a 90's episode of The Outer Limits.....what a brilliant ahead of it's time....if only more people watched it....a lot of the crap we're dealing with now could had been avoided!! ohwell. 

don't do the neurolink please!!! 





rough day part 3

 I was told by religious people that I was cursed for why I was an orphan. Was told I should had prayed harder for my dad not to have termin...