Sunday, May 5, 2024

A Chinese billionaire bought farmland in Texas

 Governor Abbott is not as great as he wants to be perceived. he doesn't care about people....he's a career politician that does a lot of talking and doesn't back what he says with behavior or actions...

Does Abbott care that a Chinese billionaire bought a large amount of farmland in Texas? heck no...that manes taxes will be paid for that land at probably a higher rate than what it was when it was farmland. 

Abbott does not care about people.....and don't let his disability make you feel pity that would sway you from truly seeing the jerk that he is.....also if you're republican or have conservative views....don't let his status as a republican sway you.....he's truly a jerk. He's the lesser of the evils....would rather he be in "power" over "Beno".....Beno is definitely a loser out for power....has a criminal record yet people don't care, because he's a democrat liberal that likes to show off. 

All of a sudden there's swine flu in birds that in turn are affecting livestock in Texas. 

Why is all this happening? I think it's connected to the WEF and their fear of over-population. They are using the guise of Climate Change to do a lot of shady things....and throwing money at anyone that lacks compassion to do whatever it takes to make people sick, fearful and even die. 

source for swine flu affecting livestock in Texas:

source of Chinese billionaire buying farmland in Texas:

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