Monday, November 21, 2022

Disillusionment of social media

 Social Media.....

yes, back in the day....I had Myspace. I remember when Facebook came out and I actually told all my friends that found me on Myspace and other places to join Facebook.....ugh.....that's a regret!!!

I was in a long on-off relationship with a guy that was my neighbor (started in 2006....I ended it for good in 2014.....moved twice)....he pursued me and well....any time a guy wanted to date me that seemed comes the ex to ruin it.....

I wanted so much to just find a guy and have a house and the life that I saw so many posting on Facebook....

everyone seemed to have these perfect vacations and perfect lives....they'd post a picture of their family holding hands in a field with flowers on a sunny day, or out in flowers, or on a wooden bridge using professional photographers to take these "natural" family photos...'s all an image they want to portray and maybe that they wish they had.....seemed like they wanted to portray what they thought was prefect from growing up watching sitcoms with the perfect family and desiring to have that...and laugh off the problems at the end of the episode...

and guys that are married slide into my DM's (as they say) and assume cos I'm single that I must be desperate and easy and think that they're good enough to use me as a side

the saddest thing I saw was a friend that I met through a musician friend of mine, Ian Moore....she ran his merch tables for him and was stealing the soon as I found out I immediately unfriended her and blocked her.....she was addicted to pills and had posted how every hospital in Austin was laughing at her and denying her pills and she somehow got a wheelchair and was still working on convincing doctors to give her pills.....long story short.....she went to a park off by herself and killed herself via OD on pills.....she left behind a son that was still a minor and her husband....don't know what he did...but he kinda seemed like a loser....

then I started seeing more people just dying.....not from suicide like the lady above....but from cancer, accidents and other diseases....

and guys don't seem to enjoy being single for long when divorced...they remarry fairly quickly and move on.....kinda surprised me to see that on Facebook....

Twitter....different beast.....I joined it in 2009 with the goal to make music I did somehow and clubs in Texas and California followed me as well as a few musicians....

I don't feel like I really fit in with Facebook or Twitter any more though....

Instagram and TikTok are more fun, because it's more focused on content that's visual and so artistic types are more friendly....

The thing about social media, the people that bandwagon.....especially women.....ugh women can be so petty and vicious....if one jumps on a will like the nasty comment and so on....and it just keeps building.....

trolls go on just to screw with you and upset you in any way that they can by starting stuff or saying hurtful things....

and jobs that use apps that are similar to Facebook to force you to communicate and watch all chats in group chats and private chats with co-workers....I had to tell coworkers over and over to stop venting to me about work during work because I didn't want it to hurt either of us and told them that we were being monitored not just by how fast we could type or what we say in a call....but to each other which includes complaints about management and the company........managers would then start responding to a comment even if innocent to let me see that I was right that they were I felt very isolated and miserable...

and work politics....ugh....especially with micromanaging cut-throat people that are not qualified to be a manager based on hard work, but on how well they suck up to directors and how good they are at "playing the game"....

it's all a game....and act....and a lot of actors and people that bullshit well.....

and if you're real....well, you don't really fit in with people that act and bullshit and play games...

not to mention all the many bots and fake accounts posing as celebs, celeb's managers, celeb's family member's, military service men, doctors, "widows" cos Nigerians don't know grammar.....and they even invade dating apps and pose as a guy making up nonsense stories and have no clue about our culture and just hope to con to get dating apps suck as it is...but that makes it even worse!! Had a Nigerian fool me using Zillow...I saw clearly that the name used on the app advertising the house did not match the one from the email nor the one that text me....but they got all my details: my name, phone number, address, date of birth....what I refused to provide was my pet's name, my work name and address and names of my family.....really should had seen that was a scam with those questions but I thought Zillow checked that stuff....but obviously did not....

I think about the guy that murdered his wife and two toddlers....I forgot his name and really don't want to even think about it....but he murdered his wife in their expensive home in Colorado....he wanted out of the marriage and was dating his coworker and promising her that he was going to divorce his wife....but he didn't want to deal with a custody battle or any of the financial implications or his family and her in his crazy head....he murdered his wife to get rid of her so that he could be free to date the coworker and then drove his two toddlers to his job and suffocated them and put their bodies in oil things.....just super cold. There's an interview on YouTube where a male and female FBI officer go and interview that guy and they play him and make him think that they like him to stroke his narcissistic ego and finally get him to confess to what he did and why....he still lied and wasn't completely honest....

but what struck me was the fact that the wife that he murdered constantly posted videos to Facebook to show him as a perfect Dad that loved his daughters and how they had the perfect family....perfect life and perfect house.....meanwhile they were in over their heads and could not afford the mortgage and not making enough to support their lifestyle even with her working, too....

you look at the 80' people began living the life of excess even back then.....but still a much simple time compared to present.....the 90's was kinda fed up with the fake excess of the 80's....which is why grunge became popular and destroyed glam rock and glam metal bands and even pop.....

but then with apple and the smart phone......privacy is no longer a thing.....

I remember taking my dog for a walk around 2010 (I was in grad school at the time) and this couple that did not live at my apartments were parked and the woman started filming me with her cell phone....and I told her to stop she started yelling at me all offended and so her boyfriend joined in.....

and then I saw posts from friends on Facebook where they filmed people without asking at the gym and at grocery stores, etc....basically wanting to make fun of people and get reactions from it...and now that's a huge thing.....people do this on a regular basis 

so people are desensitized and compassion is dwindling to only caring about some random dog shown in a pound or cat's really sad...

and if you try to converse with someone about this....they say, "yeah the world is a cold place"....

um, I don't have to be told that....I found that out in the 8th grade when my dad died and I was faced with having to go into foster care....I know people don't care....and that it's a cold world....reminds me of the thing my ex-boyfriend would say when he thought I was being immature or naive, "Anna, stop being a little girl"....

my point seems to have gotten worse....

what can change it???? I don't know? 

I read that social media influences people and wants people to be influenced in specific certain perhaps we are vulnerable to governments wanting us to be cold in order to be controlled??? I don't know?? 

thanks for reading xx 

rough day part 3

 I was told by religious people that I was cursed for why I was an orphan. Was told I should had prayed harder for my dad not to have termin...