Monday, January 9, 2023

2022 and 2023.....

 so, I've been handed a crappy situation.....

Last year, in 2022, my supervisor told me to write things about her that were positive in my survey. I didn't do that......I reported her and her assistant manager's behavior hoping that the Director would see it and something would be done since those two women were treating me and a few other people like crap.....whelp....that was a seriously bad idea. 

I started 2022 with getting covid from a relative that caught it from an unvaccinated relative and I were both double vaccinated. I was required to get vaccinated per my job. But the vax didn't spare me from getting covid....and mine turned into pneumonia.....I had it for almost 2 months....and it dragged on that long, because I had a hard time finding a doctor willing to treat the time I found one that told me that he only wanted to do a virtual appointment and did not want me to step foot in his turned to pneumonia. But.....I still worked like that....the only time I didn't work was when I had no voice from the constant coughing for two days. 

A coworker that had been at the company for over 10 years hyped me up and claimed that with me doing assistant manager duties...that I should get a decent raise....I didn't....I got a small raise that was given to anyone that was meeting the standards of working and the quotas that had been there for over a year. So that was disappointing.....but I didn't really believe the hype and knew that coworker was probably lying. 

My boss kept telling me stuff like that I and my relative were going to have brain damage from having Covid and said some other condescending things to me....she said this any opportunity that she got to evoke fear and intimidation and I could tell she was smiling as she said it....and no, this was no in retaliation to the survey....that had not happened yet. I told her to stop it when she continued to do this....and told her that she was not a scientist or medical doctor and had no right to say anything about what would happen to me and my relative from having had covid.....

my work laptop started having issues in January....then it finally died and stopped working at the end of June.....I was working outside of my scheduled hours with IT when I had one available to talk to that wasn't already busy or on vacation...long story short....they kept sending me used laptops that had issues and didn't work. I was told to contact a specialty team to see what the deal was with the laptop and the speciality team diagnosed the laptop did not have working VPN and did this unbeknownst to me while I had it plugged in and was in bed at night watching a movie......and they knew I wasn't using it. But she validated that I was sent another bad laptop and she over-nighted me another one. I received it via UPS and my boss texted me to hurry and set it up without the help of I was setting it up she kept texting me to hurry it up.....I put it together quickly and messaged her on TEAMS as instructed as well as sent her an email and text her from my personal cell.....I saw that she received my message in TEAMS and she chose to ignore it. So I told her that I was going to log off and work with IT in the morning to install all the software needed for my job.....but then she hopped on and called me in the TEAMS app and told me that I was being terminated for "work abandonment". I was not paid for the month of July or for part of August and drove to UPS with all the equipment as ordered...hoping I would get a final paycheck and that I would not be charged for the equipment. I did not get a final paycheck AND she blocked me from getting Unemployment. I had to fight for over a month to get Unemployment and prove that I had not abandoned my job and had set up a laptop I was sent from IT on the same night that she terminated me....which was outside of my work schedule and I was not paid for any of that time. 

To make things dog that as only 8 years old died. A family member was caring for him while I was sick with Covid and trying to work.....and did not want me to see that the dog was not being taken out regularly and gave him a bath and had not given my dog anything to drink or eat before giving him a dog drank the bath water that contained dog shampoo and died that night....

I applied at a massive amount of jobs, but no one would hire me. I applied at a job that has a BAD reputation of having toxic coworkers and management out of desperation. Well, that job has yet to pay me and it's been over 5 weeks. I started on December 1st.....and now it's January 9th and still no paycheck. I have called in sick due to no gas for my money for rent, utilities, food....nothing.....I had told my boss that I really need to get paid soon so that I don't get evicted (and all the late fees that are going to eat the paycheck) and she coldly said, "so, get on food stamps" and walked off....I missed 5 days in December and currently missing 5 days in January....I don't have the gas to drive over 30 minutes each way daily....I don't have any savings....nothing to pawn, etc. 

Anyway, she told me to get a Doctor's note or to not return to the office.....I got a Doctor's note for the 5 absences in December and waiting on one for January and told her again that I don't have a paycheck or medical benefits and no money to drive down there. She replied with a long email telling me that she "counseled me to get with my mentor" and all this stuff that was lies to cover her ass. My doctor is a sweet guy and willing to write the note....he's just been busy. 

To be honest....I don't want to go back there. Coworkers are extremely toxic to put it mildly. They gossip about me loudly, one got in my face and yelled at me, one came to my office and told me that he is assigning a bunch of clients to me (he is not my boss...and he has only been at the job for 6 months)....and they all ask incredibly intrusive questions, ease drop at my door when they see me on the phone with another department, have gone through my desk and literally wiped boogers on my notepad that I wrote training notes on to ask about....and I don't have a "mentor" to get with at this boss lies. 

Anyway, I have prayed so hard....but it is really hard not to feel like that God doesn't care and that I don't matter....I see people that are shitty people that prosper and have no issues with getting jobs and don't get bullied.....and the people that were also bullied with me at my prior job are still employed.....

I have tried everything and have applied at so many jobs.....the HR people send rejections same day as I apply. I hate that HR are the junkyard dogs and it's hard to get around them to get a job now a days....

I have put a lot of thought into considering moving out of Texas....I see so many jobs in Pennsylvania, Connecticut and even some in my home state. But not sure what to do....I would hate to move and find a place in another state and then not get a job right away and not have rent for the following month and be in a worse situation....

I told my boss that I still haven't been paid today and it's been over 5 weeks.....she clapped back with that she is not payroll and that I should look up resources and should know them since I worked at a nonprofit clinic 10 years


I wish I knew what to do.....

I got accepted to a university so that I can work on a total different degree and vocation....but the federal government did not approve me to get grants or'm stuck....

I feel like I'm in a deep pit....alone....and no one cares....not even God....

It's hard to keep says things in the Bible that God would not leave us as orphans, that he would father the fatherless and all this.....but where is He??? I have a mountain of bills, a very toxic job that leaves me depressed cos of how I'm treated and my boss throwing a ton of work at me knowing I have not been trained....and no money to pay my bills....and by the time I do get paid....the late fees are going to  be so high that I still won't have money for gas and food....

rough day part 3

 I was told by religious people that I was cursed for why I was an orphan. Was told I should had prayed harder for my dad not to have termin...