Friday, May 31, 2024

I’m your Huckleberry

 Tonight I had to go to Walmart to get food….there’s a lot of hispanic illegals now. I was at the self checkout and they came over to the one next to me and started coughing and not blocking their mouths and coughed in my direction instead of turning away. 

My immediate thought was not Covid. It was “consumption” aka Tuberculosis. 

If you want to see the ugly side of that disease watch Tombstone. Val Kilmer is amazing!! I actually met him a year before the covid shutdown at a Comic Con…he’s still so beautiful 😍! He’s incredibly sweet, charming and down to earth. He often goes on Reddit to chat with fans. He kissed my hand and made my day…his entourage laughed and said I would never wash my hand again. He wrote “bad girl” with a sharpie on my other hand as a joke cos I was going to let him have my tin mug that I bought…he liked it cos it made him think of his childhood town. Told me to keep it cos he knew it was expensive. It was hard to understand him with the vocal damage he has from having had throat cancer…but if you’re patient you can understand him. I love his personality…he seriously is a sweetheart. He is definitely my favorite celebrity to have met of all the ones I’ve met at Comic Cons. 

Maintenance guy yesterday did the same thing with coughing at me inside my duplex…didn’t block his mouth. I took a huge step back away from him. The lady was a mean bitch…pointed at my stuff which is none of her business…very intrusive and no boundaries. She mentioned tiktok so it made me wonder if she comments so much on social media that she doesn’t know basic manners and boundaries. She and her husband and her parents moved here from California. Her dad is illegal and he kept telling me how much cheaper and better Mexico is compared to Texas. He complained about $6,000 per year in property taxes for his house that he owns in a nice neighborhood to me…an American that doesn’t have my own house. Told me that people in America stay inside too much and how if its nice outside all Mexicans come outside. I can see going outside once in a while for a BBQ or church thing or something. Not every day though…I think too much people daily is not a good thing…you have to have down time and recharge. 

One of the first movies that I remember watching on rental at one of the many foster homes I was in was watching Real Genius….that movie and Star Trek Next Gen basically helped me as well as British pop music…to survive. 

Anyway, Val Kilmer….omg an amazing gorgeous man. I wish he wasn’t into  Scientology though. 😢😢 

Thursday, May 30, 2024

just being silly

 tiktok can be fun…everyone does their filter things. here’s me being a zombie…. blogger/googke made it weird…but ohwell 🤷🏻‍♀️

and here’s one getting matched with guys too young for me and most I haven’t heard of 🤷🏻‍♀️

tornadoes and stress part 2

 I worked 10 hours and too tired to go into it. 

long story short, I need to pack and start saving up to move. 

the finches made a nest 🪺 in my wreath on my door. Has just one egg…but mama bird is protective. she flies away immediately when I open my door. Amazed at how fast the bird made this nest…it wasn’t here when we had the tornadoes last week! 

tornadoes and stress part 1

 My supervisor was surprisingly nice about my power outage and the tornadoes. But the amount of work….omg.

then they changed the phone system for my job and it made my system crash…took an hour for IT to fix it yesterday…this happened at the end of the day and I signed back in to find a ton of work assigned to me. ugh

today maintenance came out to do minor repairs from the was a hispanic daughter and dad…daughter is in her 30’s…her mom handles the calls for maintenance requests. When I moved into the unit…they did not clean it. Could tell a man lived here….the toilet was nasty…had urine all over. The oven was not cleaned. I could go on and on. I spent days cleaning it and also had to mow the lawns…literally nothing was done for this property. Previously when they cane out it was to “de-winterize” the sprinkler system…I paid $45 in the Winter/December to “winterize” the sprinkler system, but no one came. The woman and her dad came out las month in April to “de-winterize” the sprinkler system and she complained that the owner threatened not to pay them and said they weren’t working and needs invoices to prove they are working. So she told me to do a review on Facebook to praise Maintenance and say they do an excellent job (not happening..then the bad neighbors will have my social media info)…and she also wanted me to do a review on google’s thing….I tried but it wouldn’t let me. They don’t deserve good ratings…they’re lazy and she didn’t clean the apartment before I moved in. They only fixed two minor things and took nearly an hour…used up my lunch and 15 min break to deal with them. smh 

Will post part 2 after work. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Handsome Men

 Not in any particular order…some men I’ve researched a bit and think they’re just as beautiful inside as they are outside. A couple on my list are not beautiful on the inside…I’ll let you figure it out 🤭

Misha Collins…he’s handsome, rugged, adorable all in one…rare cos usually guys are either handsome or just adorable. He cares about people. His family is everything to him…I think he’s an ENFP personality type…could be wrong. 

Cary Grant…that British man raised himself….so brave to leave England at such a young age…gosh he treasured his only child…his daughter. 

Christopher Reeve…he was genuine and put everything into his acting…

Gregory Peck…have not researched him…looks like he came from money…have no clue…he’s very handsome though as is his grandson 

James McAvoy…well he has beautiful eyes and is a fantastic actor…seems method though 

David Tennant…actually got to meet him…made him giggle…he’s very charming and flirty…he’s actually very confident which surprised me cos he’s a bit of a geek….a very smart businessman…he definitely wants to support his big family…

Tom Hiddleston…he dated Taylor Swift so 🤮…but he seems sweet. He’s  a good actor and cares about the characters he portrays. 

James Callis…he’s a beautiful man, humble, is a very talented actor and sweet to his fans. 

Mel Gibson back in the day was a handsome man…he’s a very talented actor and director. I’ve thought about what it would be like to sit down for lunch or coffee and have a deep conversation with him. I think he’s interesting, very intelligent and deep. Would probably learn a lot in 5 minutes. But a couple hours of his manic energy would wear me down…I would need to recharge for like a year and avoid all humans…but it would be worth it.

Henry Cavill…handsome af…God gave him double portions in the beautiful face…but he works incredibly hard to maintain his physique….he talks about pushing himself even if sad and not feeling like exercising. Love that he’s a geek and passionate. 

Andrew McCarthy…well he still looks good. He was a childhood crush…

Tom Welling….beautiful man…very perceptive and smart if you let that Introvert have a chance to talk! 

Bruce Campbell…love him in the Army of Darkness and Evil Dead movies. He always plays a wise cracker…sarcastic but funny. He had a website…maybe he still does…I stumbled upon it in the 2010’s or so. He had this link to join his email list and another link pay him for personal appearances. He also had a lengthy list of types of appearances he refuses to do like birthdays, weddings, etc. I thought it be fun to ask him to accompany me to work for a day and say wise crack lines to my toxic boss and coworkers. Well, his team didn’t respond 🤣

Keanu Reeves…he’s a sweetheart…my only beef with him is that he uses drugs. Heck every guy on this list probably does or drinks. Keanu is open about it. Love him…just don’t like to be around people that use…they’re usually highly vindictive and play petty games…and highly manipulative and ok with lying. Keanu doesn’t seem to do any of that…he seems like a genuinely sweet guy but likes to get high.. He’s a giver which is also not typical of people that like to get high…He would be perfect if he didn’t do drugs 

Cillian Murphy…his face was more narrow when he was younger..hopefully he didn’t do plastic surgery. Women and Men want this crazy strong jaw and end up looking like a potato 🥔 

Jensen Ackles…don’t know anything about him. He’s pretty though and always has been. 

this has gotten long. might have to make a part 2 later 
thanks xx 

Monday, May 27, 2024


 I love the beauty that you see in every day life outside. I still have goals to go out of the country and see places like Scotland, Switzerland, England and Ireland. Would also like to make a trip back to my home state of Michigan. 

Anyway, nature pictures that I've taken:

rough day part 3

 I was told by religious people that I was cursed for why I was an orphan. Was told I should had prayed harder for my dad not to have termin...