Wednesday, June 12, 2024

awful neighbors

 so, the direct next door neighbor to me.....the rednecks that have 3 cameras aimed into my yards....they saw me leave to go for a walk the other day and I walked a mile away with my dog and dude followed me in his truck......when he realized I saw him....he sped up and drove away fast. 

the redneck and his buddy, also a redneck along with their partners had threatened to beat up me and my son and kill my dog. his buddy told me to stay inside and to not come out of my home. told the same to my son.....which is impossible. my son has to leave to go to and from his job. I have to leave my house to mow my yard, take out my trash....and get groceries, etc. I can't just stay inside all the time. I pay my rent. that man does not pay a single bill for me. that man is not the owner or manager of the properties and he can't tell me nor my son what to do. 

this is them. the guy in the black shirt is the one that threatened to kill my dog. my direct neighbor and his girlfriend and that guy flipping me off actually has a girlfriend as well. All I was doing at the time was returning from an errand and they all started screaming and cussing at me.

 I had a huge panic attack. They laughed at me. My son got scared and locked me out. So I had to stand at my door and tolerate their abuse until my son let me inside. I probably should had gotten back into my car and drove away but I froze in fear. I couldn’t move. I just kept knocking and asking my son to unlock the top lock and let me in. 

they continue to try to insight violence and get other neighbors to join in with them against me and my son. they saw me talking to the gay black guy and the next day went over to his house to talk to him. they never talked to him until they saw me talking to him and laughing. 

today when I was walking my dog.....I was on the very side of the back roads taking pictures of the flowers. the woman drove her SUV up fast like she was going to run me and my dog down and then honked at me like I was in her way and then swerved and almost flipped her There was no traffic....there was no one else around. I was on a back road. she went out of her way to drive and follow me and try to run me and. my dog down. 

so, I keep praying and praying for God to hear my cries to move and be in a safer neighborhood and to have a home of my own. This is not the place for me. 

the neighbors come outside and the guy that threatened to kill my dog immediately comes out and folds his arms and watches me to intimidate me any time he sees me outside talking to anyone that comes to my home, such as maintenance or people trying to sell stuff, etc. 

When I was alone trying to fix my lawn lights.....he came out and stared at me and told me to move. I told him that he could move. I told him again that he's not the manager and rents just the same as me. 

The maintenance workers told me their goal is to bully me until I move so that their friend can move into my duplex unit. 

I’m alone. I’m scared. I don’t know what to do. No one seems to care. 

I usually try hard to ignore them. I see their cameras on me as I go to my backyard to take my dog out....

it's wearing me down. 

I used to walk all the time before moving here. Now I rarely go out. I rarely leave. I already work from home and don't see anyone. This is making it worse on me. 

my goal is to leave this town as soon as my lease ends. I have to save up for it. It just sucks. 

their cameras aimed at my backyard and windows…it sucks 

I have tried peaceful ways to block their cameras view…but they just move the angle so they can keep watching me. 

I tried using flowers. and it just doesn’t work. I did buy kites…so when it’s windy…their camera gets filled…lol

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