Tuesday, June 25, 2024

rough day part 3

 I was told by religious people that I was cursed for why I was an orphan. Was told I should had prayed harder for my dad not to have terminal cancer. Was told that I was stupid, ugly and that I had a “black heart as black as the ace of spades” and was going to hell.by one of the foster ladies. I literally had just got home from the school bus along with the other girls in our group home and she said all that to me in front of them. 

So from day one of being orphaned…I’ve been abused in every way…and have felt like its me against the world with no one on my side…not even God. 

From being told so much that I am cursed…I do this virtual group meeting on youtube with this priest that does a prayer over every one as a whole that attends. 

I mowed my backyard tonight despite the 95 degree temperature and was drenched in sweat. Just wanted to take my frustrations out on the lawn for exercise because when I have to sit for 10 or 12 straight hours working…I get super stiff and hurt more. So I fry to stretch and move at least 5 days per week. 

I am trying to forgive my awful managers and coworkers as well as the awful neighbors. They came out as soon as they saw  me on their cameras (aimed at my yard and windows) finish mowing to bully me. They mocked me and brought all their dogs out to go after my dog. I ignored them. Focused on putting the bird feeders back up, emptying my lawn bag into a trash bag, etc. 

Its so hard and lonely. The job is definitely toxic…I definitely meed a new job. The neighbors are terrible…I need to move .

I just wish I had one person in my life to love me and have a home with. But not sure God loves me enough to want that for me. I don’t know why. 

my lease ends in October. I have to start saving to move and get movers this time…I don’t have the strength to move myself again. I am hoping to go to the library to use their computer to update my resume. my laptop doesn’t have Word or Microsoft products and I’m not paying the cray high price to have it. 

thanks for reading xx 

rough day part 2

 so, with trying to get the wireless headphones…and the back and forth with HR…my manager, the other manager and their manager told me that we needed a meeting. so for an hour and a half…I was threatened and told that the chorded headphones was fine…I didn’t need wireless like everyone else on my team…and if I didn’t like it…they would have me drive to the headquarters to work which is a 3 hour drive one way. Then their manager left and the one black lady that made it clear that she hates some of the staff on our team during our interview last year…she said “I’m not done”…and their manager said ok and left and she kept repeating over and over that “you better watch what you say and how you say it. We’re watching you.” No reasons given. No example of what I’ve said. 

From the early age of kindergarten on my report card, my teacher wrote that I was an extremely sweet girl. I’ve always been told that I’m sweet, kind, patient, caring by people. This abusive lady can’t change who I am by just throwing words out there. I’ve lasted at this job for over a year now. But usually toxic bosses that are obvious with favoritism and abuse are quick to fire me. 

People with personality disorders usually really don’t like me. Especially if they also are using drugs or drinking. I suspect they both are…

And I have tried to pray for them. Pray for blessings for them. They both know I rent and not making a big salary. They both have bragged to me about their big houses. I wanted to say its beneath me to listen to them brag but I remained quiet. 

for me as an adult who grew up in foster care…there’s nothing I want more than to find a husband and have a house…a home. I hate feeling like I don’t belong anywhere. I hate struggling. 

Most foster kids that age out of the system end up homeless because they don’t have any family or money to support themselves. I was homeless in my 20’s after college. It was hard to find a decent paying job and a job that would give me a chance. I had $500 that I saved and was hoping to keep saving for an apartment but this guy that I met at church and believed he liked…loved me…stole it all  as well as my car. So I had to finance another car and start over. I did pay off my college loans. But I lived in my car, took showers at this gym where I got a cheap membership and ate once a day. I put all my books and belongings in a storage place. So if I needed clothes or something I would go there to get it. It was lonely and scary. I don’t ever want to go through that again. 

rough day part 1

 Its actually been rough longer than today. but going to just write about today…

I try to read a chapter per night in the Bible. I read all the books of the New Testament. Read Daniel. Now I’m reading Psalms, because Psalms immediately fills me with peace. 

But it’s been rough lately so I skipped reading last night. I thought, “maybe if I skip reading tonight the Devil will stop f*cking with me”…..wrong. Today was worse…lol. 

I have the pressure to find another place to rent with rising prices. They always want first and last month, an application fee, a “convenience fee” for using their app and paying with a debit or credit card, deposits, and other fees that they make up to milk you. It sucks. I hate renting. 

I’m working on my credit which is hard because for some odd reason paying off a car loan doesn’t impact it unless you’re late or it’s repossessed. So you’re forced to get a stupid credit card. 

My job is extremely stressful. The positive part of it is that I get to work from home and I pray over some of the cases that I am assigned. I don’t pray for all of them because of being overworked and exhausted from being overworked. I was working 10-12 hour days….guess what…it made no difference with how my two awful narcissistic managers treat me. 

The huge red flag during my interview with the pair of them was one spoke disparagingly about the staff and the other asked me how I handle toxic coworkers. Toxic coworkers are encouraged to be that way from favoritism, gaslighting, abuse of power, and creating a hostile environment. They’ve made it a hostile environment by openly attacking me in front of the team and encouraging the coworkers to go after me. I’m white on a mostly black team, black managers, and the few that are white are extremely liberal and manipulative. My direct boss has lied to me multiple times and gaslights me. I gently but directly confronted her about lying to me recently privately when I had made a request for a medical accommodation. 

I have to wear a headset to talk and type. The previous headset they gave me had a short chord that caused me to hunch. My neck, shoulder and right shoulder are damaged from a patient grabbing me and throwing me. So with hunching I was getting massive migraines from my neck. I was put on meds for the pain and a muscle relaxer. And noticed that I had daily thoughts of wanting to die and just not have to put up with all the b*llsh*t. I noticed some other side effects and then looked at the actual side effects of it all and stopped taking all of it immediately. I wasn’t taking it as prescribed daily…only on days when my pain and migraines were so bad. Anyway, I was given the run around from Human Resources and they kept finding excuses and errors with their form that my doctor completed but I was persistent and they finally agreed to allow me to have wireless headphones. My boss made it clear she was aware that I asked HR for this, etc. 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

mowed my backyard

 took me two hours to do my backyard !! I literally mowed just a little over a week ago!! 

Filled this yard trash bag ! it was so heavy ! 

the yard used to be all weeds and dead grass. I pulled all the weeds in the backyard daily for 4 months as well as in the front yard, too. 

I walked over two miles with going over the yard several times to get the grass short ! 

I’m trying to walk twice per week and mow the front yard once per week and mow the backyard separately also once per week. So basically I’m trying to stay active 4 times per week. I consider mowing the lawn as aerobic activity! the activity level along with the heat and the humidity is a lot. I always have to shower because my shirt and pants are soaked with sweat. 

I’m proud of myself. No one taught me how to mow. I figured it out by myself. I have never used a weed eater/edger. I will definitely have to watch some youtube tutorials before I use one. 

thanks for reading:) 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

awful neighbors

 so, the direct next door neighbor to me.....the rednecks that have 3 cameras aimed into my yards....they saw me leave to go for a walk the other day and I walked a mile away with my dog and dude followed me in his truck......when he realized I saw him....he sped up and drove away fast. 

the redneck and his buddy, also a redneck along with their partners had threatened to beat up me and my son and kill my dog. his buddy told me to stay inside and to not come out of my home. told the same to my son.....which is impossible. my son has to leave to go to and from his job. I have to leave my house to mow my yard, take out my trash....and get groceries, etc. I can't just stay inside all the time. I pay my rent. that man does not pay a single bill for me. that man is not the owner or manager of the properties and he can't tell me nor my son what to do. 

this is them. the guy in the black shirt is the one that threatened to kill my dog. my direct neighbor and his girlfriend and that guy flipping me off actually has a girlfriend as well. All I was doing at the time was returning from an errand and they all started screaming and cussing at me.

 I had a huge panic attack. They laughed at me. My son got scared and locked me out. So I had to stand at my door and tolerate their abuse until my son let me inside. I probably should had gotten back into my car and drove away but I froze in fear. I couldn’t move. I just kept knocking and asking my son to unlock the top lock and let me in. 

they continue to try to insight violence and get other neighbors to join in with them against me and my son. they saw me talking to the gay black guy and the next day went over to his house to talk to him. they never talked to him until they saw me talking to him and laughing. 

today when I was walking my dog.....I was on the very side of the back roads taking pictures of the flowers. the woman drove her SUV up fast like she was going to run me and my dog down and then honked at me like I was in her way and then swerved and almost flipped her car....lol. There was no traffic....there was no one else around. I was on a back road. she went out of her way to drive and follow me and try to run me and. my dog down. 

so, I keep praying and praying for God to hear my cries to move and be in a safer neighborhood and to have a home of my own. This is not the place for me. 

the neighbors come outside and the guy that threatened to kill my dog immediately comes out and folds his arms and watches me to intimidate me any time he sees me outside talking to anyone that comes to my home, such as maintenance or people trying to sell stuff, etc. 

When I was alone trying to fix my lawn lights.....he came out and stared at me and told me to move. I told him that he could move. I told him again that he's not the manager and rents just the same as me. 

The maintenance workers told me their goal is to bully me until I move so that their friend can move into my duplex unit. 

I’m alone. I’m scared. I don’t know what to do. No one seems to care. 

I usually try hard to ignore them. I see their cameras on me as I go to my backyard to take my dog out....

it's wearing me down. 

I used to walk all the time before moving here. Now I rarely go out. I rarely leave. I already work from home and don't see anyone. This is making it worse on me. 

my goal is to leave this town as soon as my lease ends. I have to save up for it. It just sucks. 

their cameras aimed at my backyard and windows…it sucks 

I have tried peaceful ways to block their cameras view…but they just move the angle so they can keep watching me. 

I tried using flowers. and it just doesn’t work. I did buy kites…so when it’s windy…their camera gets filled…lol

Friday, June 7, 2024

mourning loses is like an ocean

 When you lose direct family to death…there are days that you’re ok…and days that you’re not.

Definite times that are tough are the death date anniversaries of my parents…some times holidays…and some times just certain things will remind me of them or what happened to them.

I can’t talk about what triggered me today cos it is patient confidential information. 

I can say it made me stress out about what my son is going to do when I’m gone. 

I’m high risk for colon cancer. my dad died of it quickly when he was 42. He started having issues in his 30’s. I started having symptoms in my 20’s. I went to a doctor and shew blew me off and said I was too young to have it and that I just have anxiety. I paid a copay to that doctor to be treated like that. I got worse. I  was vomiting daily and couldn’t keep anything down. A medical resident (means she completed all her education but was doing her mandatory hours of work under the observation of a doctor). She took me seriously, ordered an emergency GI and I had multiple polyps that were a stage away from cancer. So she saved my life. I saw a specialist after that and was supposed to have annual colonoscopies but couldn’t afford the deductible and all the costs. Then I had my son…a few years later I started grad school. I got super sick again. had another colonoscopy…again multiple polyps a stage away from cancer. Again told I needed to have the colonoscopy every year. But couldn’t afford to do that. 

So I probably should have another one. Its stressful trying to find someone I can trust to transport me to and from that procedure. Plus finding a doctor that has an appointment to do it and takes my insurance and getting PTO (paid time off) saved up so I can take a few days off to do the procedure. Ugh. 

But I know I need to somehow get this done. 

and for some reason I can’t shake being worried about my son driving…he’s still a new driver….only been driving a couple years. My mom died in a car accident. I have had a few close calls with serious accidents. And the Texas heat makes people drive so incredibly aggressive and insane. 

Anyway… grief and death…it comes in waves. can’t predict the waves. they come…just gotta stay above and on top of them. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

getting answers to your prayers

 A lot of people often think that God hasn’t answered their prayers or that since He hasn’t answered their prayers in the past…why bother praying. Or they believe God answered it by saying “no” and again…not really answering their prayer.

The book of Daniel (old testament) shows us that Demons actually are appointed over countries…Based on that…its fair to assume  that there’s Demons over cities, towns, counties, communities, corporations, businesses, etc. 

In Daniel 10: 12-13, “Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I (the angel) have come in response to them. But the prince (demon) of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty one days. Then Michael one of the chief princes (angels) came to help me. 

Also key to having his prayer answered was the “Daniel fast”. The Daniel fast isn’t starving yourself. In Daniel 10:3, “I ate no choice food, no meat or wine touched my lips, and I used no lotions at all until the three weeks were over.” So basically he didn’t eat sweets, meat, or drink wine. So you can eat vegetables and fruits and drink milk, water, etc….whatever distracts you should also be avoided for a while (social media, tv, etc) 

Fasting…with a humble heart is key to getting a breakthrough in your prayers. So going to God without an attitude of “you owe me this..”…making demands…treating God like Santa…isn’t going to help you. 

In Philippians (new testament) 4:6 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your requests before God.” 

having faith is what Jesus said repeatedly when healing people and doing miracles. faith is the opposite of being anxious. 

I look at my dog…she’s not anxious about my rent and bills…she has faith that I will take care of her needs…feed/water her…take her out to do her business, etc. 

“petition” and some versions of the verse says “supplication” 

petition means “a formal written request typically one signed by many people, appealing to authority with respect to a particular cause.”

petition: “to make or present a formal request to an authority with respect to a particular cause.” 

supplication:”the action of asking or begging for something earnestly or humbly.” 

get a person you trust to pray and petition God with you. 

start your prayer with praising God, singing to Him, and thanking Him. 

I make a list of prayers that God has already answered because it gives me strength and faith to know He does love me and cares about taking care of me as His child.

Read Psalms….Davis starts out scared and troubled then ends with praises and thanking God. 

Just as you want to give gifts and help those you care about…God wants to do that even more. We are created in his image so we have characteristics like our “dad”…God. So it’s ok to ask for things you want as well as what you feel you need. God wants to bless us. “We have not because we ask not”…so ask Him. 

yellow watermelon

 I like to try new foods sometimes…I’ve always encouraged my son to try new foods as well…so he’s not a picky eater. 

I saw this yellow watermelon at my grocery store so I bought it. My som likes it. I’m not keen for it. If you try it thinking it will be as sweet at regular red watermelon you’ll be disappointed. It tastes similar to red watermelon but its not sweet. 

my dog liked it lol

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

part 2...can relate to Loki

 so part 2.....


my manager and the team leads are back dating the dates and times of cases that they assign to me. it's setting me up for failure and it's causing me to have to over-work by 2 hours every night for free. yes, I get to work from home. but I haven't been taking my last 15 minute break anymore and I work until 7pm only to get up at 7am to do it all over again. I'm not paid for working over time. But I do it to keep my job since they keep back dating the cases to make it look like I didn't do my job the previous day. The funny thing is....as they back date the date and times......there's notes put in by the customer service reps that clearly shows that the case came in well after I was off work. 

so, I did cry out to God about it. I have been looking for another job but unfortunately there's not a lot of jobs right now in my field....people are holding on to their jobs because of the shitty economy.  

so, I don't know...

I was watching a sermon from the late Derek Prince. He stated that the desire to control others is wrong and not of God and it's a spirit of Witchcraft. He gave examples of a woman wanting to control the pastor and staff of a church. The husband or wife trying to control each other. Managers trying to control their employees. He said God doesn't want us to be controlled....which makes sense as God gives us free will to follow him or not. 

I absolutely hate feeling controlled....I had enough of that growing up in foster care. 

I don't mind and actually am happy to work and stay busy. I don't mind being helpful to others. I do mind being set up and overworked. 

so I did confront my boss about backdating a case....they did this with 7 today....but one in particular belonged to my coworker and yet they wanted me to do it instead of her. When I confronted my boss about the case....she lied and said it was assigned to me the previous date and time.....I let her know that I keep an excel spreadsheet of all my cases and keep track of what I do and what I don't get to finish. Then she stopped trying to lie and told me to just do the case and got emotional about it. I did the case....and I did almost all 7 cases that they backdated but one....one case I didn't get to do because my laptop started having major issues. It's dying....I have been back and forth with IT to fix it....and let them know I'm not dumb when it comes to electronics. The fan and vpn are both going out....that means the laptop is dying....and the IT tech that I got today agreed. -finally!! having a crappy computer to work on that doesn't work most of the time puts me behind and is frustrating. so hopefully I will get a replacement as IT wants to do. 

but yeah......what a year this week has been....lol. 

can definitely relate to the char Loki

 I don't care about the actual lore of Loki. I'm talking about the character portrayed by Tom Hiddleston.....the chaos and bad luck he seems to always have.....though some of it he brought onto himself......other times....it is just bad luck.....bad circumstances. 

so, for me....it's frustrating. I work hard at everything I do. I don't do anything half-assed as they say. It's always 100%. 

my place that I rent....I work hard to make it nice....I pulled all the weeds manually and now there's grass....and I try to mow both the front yard and back yard each week....usually on Saturdays. but it is frustrating that the landlord is raising the rent to crazy high prices and the neighbors are awful here. Both of my direct neighbors suck. 

a week ago my black neighbors got a dog....it's a super cute dog....it's not super small but it's not quite medium sized. They left it out in the hot heat all day and the dog was smart and dug out of the yard and left. I let them know and told them that the ring app had a post of their dog and I kept trying to get the person to respond and let them know who the dog belongs to but they would not respond. I told the black neighbor that I did what I could and was going to use the rest of my day off to relax. He banged on my door 4 times demanding I come outside and talk to him more about his dog. So black neighbor called the police and did not give me a heads up that he did that. I came outside to talk to the police...and showed what I knew from the ring app about the dog post. I apologized to the cop for my phone taking a long time to pull up the app cos I was too far from my internet and it was super hot outside and he made a joke about the sun was giving him a tan on his bald head. I laughed and the black neighbor mocked me and made fun of my laugh. Then he started slamming his car doors and called me and the cop white privileged and racist. I turned around and told him that I was trying to help him. He gave me a dirty look and kept calling me and the cop names. I told him to ask the redneck neighbors that have the cameras pointed into my front and back yards and told him that their cameras may had caught what happened to the dog. I don't talk to the black neighbor at all after that. He still puts that poor dog outside in the heat without water or shade. It got out again and hopefully this time whoever got the dog kept it. 

the redneck neighbors next door.....they constantly come outside as soon as they see me on their cameras.....just to harass me. every time that I mow my yards...no matter what time of day I do it....they put their aggressive dogs out to bark and go after me. 

the maintenance worker told me that she knows why the redneck neighbors harass me so badly....it's to push me to move because their friend got rejected when they applied through the apps and they want them to try again and move into my place so that they can be next to each other. Then she told me that the landlord is not going to renew my lease or the rednecks' lease because we don't get along. I was amazed by that......so the rednecks can call me names and cuss me out and threaten to beat me and my son up and threaten to kill my dog....but cos I complained about them doing that and about their cameras....I don't get to have my lease renewed. lol....whatever. 

will post part two. 

Monday, June 3, 2024

my thoughts on aliens

 Recently, I watched a podcast on YouTube, Superflypod with Dana Carvey and David Spade and they had a guest, Steven Greer to discuss UFO's and aliens. 

Greer is not an astrophysicist, chemist, or physicist.....those guys have an obvious vibe...they have a geeky nerdiness to them....seem anxious when they talk and almost a tad Autistic. Greer is a retired medical doctor....I have no idea what type....but he gives the vibe of a DO....a Chiropractor that would crack your neck and back. He doesn't give me the vibe that he was a specialist or a MD....or family physician. He's into mediation. He's into "guided meditation" and what he called "remote viewing"

meditation, guided meditation and "remote viewing" are all doors opening into the spiritual realm whether you believe in God, Jesus, Satan, Demons or not.....they're real and you are messing with things that will create nothing but problems for you. It doesn't matter if you're an Atheist....Satan hates you. Why does Satan hate someone who's not a threat to him and not a Christian? Because humans are made in God's image and God sent his own son, Jesus to die for our sins. 

meditation opens doors to allow demons to enter into your life and removes God's protection. 

I do not believe Aliens are real. I believe they're Demons messing with people and manipulating and lying...that's what they do. 

Sources to look into regarding demons: Derek Prince Ministries: 


Derek Prince is a British logical no non-sense direct preacher....he has an approach that is very logical and loves to teach people about God, Jesus and demons. He passed away a few years ago. But the website and phone app has great devotionals and messages. You can also find his videos and page on Youtube. Derek was an Atheist that became a Christian while serving in the military during wartime. He was reading the Bible and says, "when you read the Bible...the Bible is reading you." 

I get daily emails with teaching devotionals. But I like the app better, because I can pull up whatever I want for whatever day or look for a topic to read or listen to. The app for your phone shows as Derek Prince or D. Prince. 

Here's a good link to a website that has various topics that are super helpful:


There's Catholics that are into deliverance of demons: 

Msgr Stephen J. Rossetti:


Msgr Stephen J. Rossetti is on Instagram and YouTube and holds a live YouTube once per month to do a Deliverance prayer over viewers. I've participated a couple times now. 

Father Dan Reelhil is on TikTok and Instagram. He posts powerful stuff. Highly recommend following him. He has discussed meditation, yoga, and doing things like messing with the occult that brings in demons. 

I personally don't agree that Jesus's earthly Mother, Mary as an agent to go to for prayer. We don't need someone to be in between. We can go straight to Jesus to pray. Daniel prayed 3 times daily and always started his prayers with thanking God. 

other ministries that I follow: 

In Touch Ministries, Dr Charles Stanley: 


Charles Stanley is a really good preacher....a no nonsense very logical and direct....no shouting and emotional. if you want to hear a straight message that makes sense and not overly emotional....Dr. Stanley is really good for this...He was a Baptist preacher. He passed away. 

I also really like Dr. David Jeremiah and his Turning Point ministries:


I get daily emails that are Devotionals from David Jeremiah's ministry. 

Sunday, June 2, 2024

love vs hate

 It’s very easy to hate than it is to love. Easy to hold a grudge and be bitter than to forgive and move on. 

What does holding on to hate, bitterness and vindictiveness get you?? 

In 2019, as I was driving the long 3 hours to work. I was feeling angry and didn’t want to pray for blessings upon my enemies that already were prosperous and had a better life than me. “Fuck them”…I thought….”they get endorphins off of bullying me and take pleasure in it.” 

But I started praying and as I was praying….God showed me this huge warehouse and told me that he has more than enough Blessings for everyone, including me. I felt he had forgotten me and didn’t care. An orphaned girl that grew up in tje foster care system that no one cared about….to become an adult single mom that people didn’t respect or like…hard to believe God is blessing me when I’ve had so much loss. My enemies are living their best life and brag to me about it. 

I’m not saying whatever people do is ok…it’s not. but if we can to receive blessings and protection from God…we have to forgive and pray for our enemies. I consider anyone that is not a friend or civil towards me as an enemy. Especially anyone that seeks to harm me in anyway…whether or not its verbally and emotionally….and threats of violence. As well as those looking to get people to bandwagon against me. So I try hard to let it go and give them over to God. 

crazy dream and politics

 Last night, 6/01/24, I had a dream that the charges against Trump were dropped and that he was assassinated. 

I did not vote for Trump when he was previously elected President. I voted straight Libertarian.

One of the people following me recently said some really awful stuff about Single moms and Libertarians. He called Libertarians crazy and said they’re all Liberal Democrats and all this other stuff. I was not surprised…but felt his posts about single moms and Libertarians was super passive-aggressive. Don’t know nor care about what his motives are…I muted him so I don’t have to see any more of his posts. I didn’t unfollow him because he’s a likable but he is arrogant and ignorant. 

I don’t think any of the candidates running for President or good choices…they’re all terrible. The Libertarian candidate is terrible. Biden is the worst. What Democrats loudly scream about that our freedoms will be taken away…thats what Liberals do…they increase government…especially with increasing spending to justify increasing taxes on tax payers. The Biden Administration has pulled us into The Ukraine’s war. This on the heals of the pandemic where businesses were for ed to shut down and have to pay more in taxes…no wonder so many companies are going bankrupt. 

No one seems to care that Biden advised Carter in the 1970’s and the terrible choices resulted in inflation, etc. No one seems to care that Biden has 2 children that are drug addicts…99% of drug addicts have trauma that is usually sexual abuse as a child. 

Trump is definitely not innocent either…but his kids all turned out well…they’re all stable and married with kids…they’re all proud of their dad and loyal to their dad. 

Democrats and celebrities claim Trump wants to pull us into wars when in fact he didn’t…he wanted nothing to do with the Ukraine conflict with Russia. 

Trump is basically a business man that wants to be manly and has made some bad choices cos of sex…thats it. The manly thing probably goes back to his wealthy dad that probably said stuff to him growing up to be a man, etc. When he was a Democrat he was loved by Liberals and celebs. So the hate that dems feel for him is just political and feeling based. I do think he needs someone to manage his social media cos he doesn’t know to use a filter and think before he speaks…thats the only problem that he has…

Biden constantly lies and always has…he’s manipulative…his behaviors are typical of narcissistic personality disorder as well as some one with an addiction to hard substances. People that are addicted to drugs and alcohol are more prone to Dementia. He probably drank hard liquor and used cocaine in the 80’s and 90’s. Probably drank hard liquor up until a couple years ago…no he eats an ice cream like a child. He’s treated like a child and not respected by those around him. He falls down a lot and has terrible balance. Read about Dementia and he has all the classic signs. 

I will say that the addict brain can heal just as the liver can heal if you stop drinking and using drugs. The brain can develop new pathways and heal. But if you keep using drugs and drinking into your elderly years…you are more prone to Dementia…the damage is already done. The brain is like a sponge and it shrinks as you drink alcohol. I do believe that God can heal and restore…so there is hope. 

I do think Biden has dementia…the stiff walk that almost looks like a puppeteer controls his movements. He can’t speak more than a couple sentences. He can’t process to respond to questions. He goes on vacation more than any president ever has…he’s had a lot of face lifts and plastic surgery which doesn’t help with the expression on his face. He obviously has handlers and someone else is in control of what’s happening and that makes sense for why a President would be allowed to constantly go on vacation. 

There does need to be Term Limits for people that are “serving” in Congress, Senate, etc. They stay until they’re no longer serving or care about the people that elected them and become millionaires which is a huge red flag. The greed and more so the love of power is why they stay…AOC is a good example of an ignorant person that loves power. She’s a former bar maid…has a college degree but she was put in a position of influence and power for a reason despite her lack of knowledge or understanding about things. 

thats it. thanks 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

backyard and storm damage

 Found out today that the maintenance guy that is contracted (not the mexican family) that they use to do fence work is not going to fix the fence from the tornado damages. 

these pictures are from before the tornadoes….

and this is after the tornadoes and storms !!! 

The tornado damaged all my poor bird baths and feeders. I’ve bought new ones. 

Here’s a bird bath and feeders for the birds that I bought to replace the ones that were damaged. I’m getting one more bird bath today for the birds to share. 

my dog on tje grass that I worked hard on…the back and front yard were so ugly when I moved here back in November last year….all weeds and no grass!! No there’s grass ! 

I am disappointed that they’re not fixing this fence but not surprised. Landlords are about money not legit repairs to maintain their property. When I moved here, the front and back yards were more weeds than grass. I bought that “Grandpa  Weed puller” to manually pull all the weeds and did this almost daily for 3 months. Now there’s grass and it looks good. 

I used to fear owning a home…didn’t know if I could handle mowing the lawn and paying all tje bills. But now a days you are billed for rent and you are responsible for paying separately for your own water/trash and electricity and maintaining the property…even at apartments…nothing is included anymore. I taught myself to take care of the lawns just from figuring it out and doing it. I remember watching my dad mow the lawn when I was really little…he used a gas mower. I went in person to see what I wanted for a lawn mower and bought it at Home Depot. 

I still don’t know how to use a weed eater/edger and don’t have one yet. I just use big clippers to manually clip tje edges the lawnmower can’t get and sweep it up. 

thanks for reading my blog 

Saturday lawn time

 I’m off work cos its the weekend. I mowed my front lawn again. I mowed last Saturday as well. But we had a lot of rain and I wanted to clean it up. Even though I rent and this isn’t my home…I still take pride in making my lawn and area nice. 

Yesterday found 2 eggs in the bird nest 🪺 in the wreath on my door. Today there’s 3 eggs! 🥚 

I bought bird seed and refilled my bird feeders so the birds are happy! 

Here’s my front lawn and lawn mower. I have to put my lawn lights back. I love this lawn mower! It does a fantastic job. I do make several passes and it takes an hour to make it even and short but so worth it. Great exercise snd kinda therapeutic to do lawn work. 

rough day part 3

 I was told by religious people that I was cursed for why I was an orphan. Was told I should had prayed harder for my dad not to have termin...